Step inside this digital house of wonders and be mesmerized by the collaborative art pieces by our student artists and migrant workers

Everyday Wonders: a glimpse of our migrant workers' perspective

Everyday Wonders: a glimpse of our migrant workers' perspective

Come visit our live exhibition!

26 October - 8 November 2023

NUS UTown Stephen Riady Centre Anteroom

Build-A-Bridge 2023

There’s something amazing about the sun. It rises to open the day, and sets to close it. The boundary between day and night, light and dark. But it also brings light and warmth to our world. As the workings of our world became more uncertain, the sun was still there shining over us. And it still is. Its presence above reminds us of the wonder and curiosity, our innate desire to connect with others, our capacity to feel and to love, all of which makes us human. Amidst trying times and complex mobilities of people, ideas come with tensions. But there is also the positive side of things, the unyielding belief that regardless of who we are as people, we have a shared sense of humanity, and that guides all that we do. Among us, we have different stories of how we exemplify our humanity in our daily lives. In this exhibition, we feature the stories of migrant artists, construction professionals and domestic helpers, and how they find this sense of humanity while working abroad, a space away from the familiarity of home. Come immerse yourselves into the inner worlds of migrant workers in Singapore, and their stories of longing, hope and resilience. These are their Everyday Wonders.
— Build-A-Bridge 2023

Photograph by Arul Rajesh

Swipe to access the individual art pieces of our student and migrant artists


I took this photo quite sometime ago from 15th storey, i could enjoy different colour of the sky every day. When the sky getting dark and soon night will fall to let me wrap up the day and have rest through the night. And it’s mean I could erase the stress for the day.
— Rohimah (Migrant Artist)

Rohimah and Jay Askelson

  • High up on the fifteenth floor,

    The stars are the same anywhere else.

    As the lamps like fire glow through the windows.

    This, too, can be fixed.

    And the world tilts (tilt the city’s edge)

    And the world tilts on its edge.

    Why, in the moment, when the shutter clicks–

    It feels like the world could stop forever.

    Move, our bodies bathed in clear light.

    rest, our hands covered in the dark.

    see orion’s belt on earth so wide and far.

    wrap it around your head like a crown.

    return the stars to the sky–

    where they will burn, knowing they were loved.

    where they will shine ever brighter–

    for you to capture their light again.

Barcelona Lonalyn Dolor, Chiew Chen Faye, Loi Zi Xian

Finish Contract

By Barcelona Lonalyn Dolor (Migrant Artist)

Stop dreaming, start building

Packed my bags, went on an airplane ride

And my adventure starts

Got me thinking, can I finish my 2-year contract?

930 are the days I am away from those dear me

Like the weather, most days are sunny, some days are gloomy

Just like how I feel when I think about my family

But I need to be strong, like a tree that withstand the storm

Every time I feel down, I just think why I started this journey

Time is passing, days are counting and will realize soon I can be with my family

The time has come, finally I can say I am home!

Click below to listen to the response piece to Barcelona’s poem!


Siti Aminah, Ivan Yoong, Zhang Peiran

  • You came into my life when I was so weak

    I didn't find anyone to be behind me

    I had no one to listen to me

    I had no one to share everything with me

    Suddenly you came into my life, like life jacket for a drowning woman

    Life rains for dry plants

    You held my hand and let me go with you

    You have changed my point of view towards life

    I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself.

    Like ice in the water, in your hug makes me melt

    You are the only one with whom I felt

    Like a plant in the soil can grow

    Let me for my great love to you show

    Like rains fall a drop after a drop

    My heart for you will never stop

    Like smiles on people's faces appear

    For everything with you I will forever share.

    Before you came into my life, I was empty

    You made my life two halves

    Half with me and half with you

    You are my better half

    You are the smile of my days

    You are the warmth in my life

    You are the kind hug I throw myself in

    You are the sweet touch that I feel

    You are the hope that I live for

    You are the light that guides me on my way

    You are the best part of my day.

Nelie Bautisa, Eira Tan, Poh Yijian

  • With Every Smile There's New Hope

    by Nelie Bautisa (Migrant Artist)

    The magic of a new beginning

    in my life It's a new adventure and

    A new stage of my journey

    To all my dreams

    I have a desire to succeed.

    Every smile on my face

    You can see the happiness in my eyes

    Even though it's cover with a mask

    I won't let the problems of the world

    Hinder my happiness I am strong and

    resilient in all the trials I face.

    I keep a positive outlook on life

    I always thought there would be

    A magic in the next chapter

    of the new beginning.

    It would suppress all

    The virus in the world.

    With a big smile on my face

    I remained steadfast,

    I pray and hope that the day will come,

    When the mask will disappear forever

    And I never have to cover my face again

    And again,

    I can breathe freely...

  • Through the Wire

    by Eira Tan and Poh Yijian (NUS Students)

    I exist only through the wire where

    my voice connects but not my heart.

    The Swab was really effective. my

    humanity has long been



    bleached clean of its obligation.

    I lay on a bed within a room



    within walls that I am uncomfortable with.

    How long has it been since I last saw a face

    beyond the camera?

    Zoom calls, isolating walls

    We may be in this for the long haul

    But despite it all,

    I feel

    warmth, like fine sand

    trickling back into my hand

    When I see that others are powering through this


    So yes, the masks may be tight but

    I find that the world is

    breathing again-

    We can abstain from contact

    To avoid contraction

    but connection, in whatever form

    it may take,


    Despite the trials and experiences, I am

    getting stronger in my conviction and belief that I will

    overcome all of this and succeed

    in every desire that I aspire to. I will

    remain strong no matter what I face in life and I will

    be proud of myself that no matter what deluge and disaster comes, I can

    handle it and I will

    never give up. I can

    emerge from my dreams

    and one day,

    I will return to my motherland

    to retire with my family and the love of my life.

Catherine S. Arances, Tan Shim Yean

Our Beloved Nature

By Catherine S. Arances (Migrant Artist)

I've always, looking forward for tomorrow

I could get up, and see the sunrise

The garden, the fragrance of the flowers

The cool breeze, the smell of wither leaves

The lush of green grass covered in early morning dew

The silly rats run fast across to the other side of shrubs

The calm lakes, were the sunrise greets everyone

As i walked through, And look up the blue sky

These warmth my heart and bring smile to my face

Animation By Tan Shim Yean (NUS Student)

Lora Jane Arugay and Tai Dae Ern